Angelfish Singapore "Rare"
Angelfish Singapore "Rare"
The first thing you will notice about this fish is its strikingly blue lips and yellow face. It has a distinctive vertical column running down along its eyes. Yellowtail makes for an interesting contrast with its black body which fades into white closer to its face. All this combined with the wavy line patterning and blue-tinged fins make this an impressive creature to look at.
There are no known differences between the sexes and it is extremely difficult to breed this species in captivity. In the wild Singapore Angelfish will normally start the mating process around an hour before sunset with the male performing elaborate rituals by swimming vertically above the female and hanging motionless waiting for her response.
The Singapore Angelfish although moderately difficult to maintain is well worth the effort and the patience and will become a prized addition to your tank.
These fish are found all over the Indo - West Pacific area and love to inhabit reef areas with plenty of coral between 3 and 15 meters deep. The young are generally found on their own, but as they progress into adulthood they are normally found in pairs that have mated for life.
Tank Recommendations for Singapore Angelfish
The smallest tank size for this species is 380 litres and should already be well established and matured with plenty of algae growth present on the rocks. Make sure that it has plenty of hiding spaces as well as at least one area with plenty of light to stimulate natural algae growth. No specific water movement is required, but bi-weekly water changes are recommended. These fish will do well in a Fish Only With Live Rock tank environment.
Suitable Tank Buddies
These fish are semi-aggressive and as such should be kept with other semi-aggressive fish and well as peaceful ones. They will fight with other fish that look too similar to them so keep them as singles unless housing in an extremely large tank.