Neo Skimmer offers the best oil film removal capability with minimal design.
Principle of oil film removal The oil film that has passed through the Neo Skimmer is crushed very finely and loses its flotation. Eventually, it enters the inlet of various filters and is biologically decomposed.
Why not?? Change it!!
It doesn't take up space.
The largest product, L size, isonly 4 cm wide and 4.5 cm high.
It connects to not inlet, but theoutlet.
It don't need electricity.
Based onBernoulli's principle, it uses the correlation between flow velocity and pressure.
It doesn't trap creatures
Since it is located at the outlet, any creature that enters the skimmer is immediately discharged.
It's easy to adjust
The ability to remove the film can be adjusted by moving the part up and down and rotating the left and right sides.