Triton AL99 PO4 Remover 1ltr
Triton AL99 PO4 Remover 1ltr
The Triton AL99 P04-Remover is the new efficient phosphate remover. Its innovative formula allows it to remove other contaminants such as Barium and Silicate, meaning that you do not need to change the water next time you have a diatom problem in your reef tank.
Using the right dose is key to success of Triton AL99. The recommended dosage is 50ml per 100ltr tank volume. However depending on how high the phosphate levels are, a dosage up to 100ml per 100ltr tank volume can also be possible.
The AL99 P04-Remover is an aluminium based product. Therefore, for maximum results, it is recommended that you alternate between the AL99 and an iron based product on a bimonthly basis.
The product is also available in 5 ltr according to your requirements.
All Triton products have been tested by our dedicated team to ensure high quality and consistency in results.